Exceptional athlete Letesenbet Gidey will compete in the 5,000 metres at the ISTAF in the Berlin Olympic Stadium on 3 September 2023. The Ethiopian is already one of the best runners of all time and currently holds the world records for the 10,000 metres (29:01.03 min) and the half marathon (62:52 min). Letesenbet Gidey also ran a world record over 5,000 metres in 2020 with 14:06.62 minutes. At the World Championships in Budapest last week, the 25-year-old won silver in the 10,000 metres.
” I’m happy to close my track season by competing in the 5000m at ISTAF Berlin,” says Letesenbet Gidey, who will be given optimal conditions for a fast race in the Olympic Stadium. Her team is installing “wavelights” around the blue track. The coloured LED lights act as additional “pacemakers” throughout the race.