Transportations to Olympiastadion
S5 direction Spandau to S-Bahnhof Olympiastadion
U2 direction Ruhleben to U-Bahnhof Olympiastadion
Arrival by car from direction Hamburg/Rostock
Option 1
Go towards Charlottenburg on the city highway (A100), take exit Spandauer Damm, turn right and continue straight, turn left into Bolivarallee, cross Reichsstraße at the square Steubenplatz, then turn right into Olympische Straße, head on straight to the main entrance (east gate “Osttor”).
Option 2
Go towards Charlottenburg on the city highway (A100), take exit Kaiserdamm, turn right at the end of the exit, go straight on the street Knobelsdorffstraße (later called Platanenallee), turn right into Reichsstraße, turn left at the sqaure Steubenplatz and turn immediately right into Olympische Straße, head on straight to the main entrance (east gate “Osttor”).
Arrival by car from direction Munich/Nuremberg, Hannover/Magdeburg and Leipzig
Enter the city via city highway, head towards interchange “Dreieck Funkturm”, take exit Messedamm (direction A100) and keep on the right side.
Option 1
Turn left at the second traffic light towards Deutschlandhalle, turn right into Jafféstraße behind Deutschlandhalle, follow Jafféstraße up to Heerstraße, turn left into Heerstraße, keep on the right lane, turn right into Flatowallee, head on to the stadium entrance (south gate “Südtor”).
Option 2
Keep straight, pass under the bridge of ICC (exhibition hall), turn left into Masurenallee at the next traffic light, go straight to the roundabout square Theodor-Heuss-Platz, take the third exit (Heerstraße), keep straight on the right lane, turn right into Flatowallee, head on to the stadium entrance (south gate “Südtor”).